Why attend CEIDS gatherings?

Why would you want to attend gatherings of CEIDS?

Have you ever questioned the teachings of all religions? And have you asked the question, "If all the religions have different dogma regarding how you can get God to like you enough, and allow you into heaven, and they all conflict with each other, how can they all be true? If they all conflict, how can any one of them be true?"

Have you ever wondered how a god who loves you so much, could throw you into an eternal hell to burn in an everlasting fire and be tortured forever and ever, just because you committed even one "sin"?

Have you learned and discovered that there are many other "gospel books" and "bible books" that contradict the "accepted books" of the bible? These are books such as : (a) The Gospel of Thomas, (b) The Gospel of Philip, (c) The Gospel of Mary Magdelene, (d) The Gospel of Judas, (e) The Gospel of Peter, (f) The Epistle of Barnabas, (g) The Books of Adam and Eve, (h) The Books of Enoch, (i) The Book of Jubilees, (j) The Book of Tobias, (k) The Infancy Gospels of James and Thomas.

Have you researched, learned and discovered that Jesus as a child lived in Egypt with his parents, and was taught by the Essenes? And that as a teenager (and up to age 30), Jesus traveled throughout India and Tibet, and was teaching all the people there, and that when he began contradicting the "accepted religious dogma" in those countries, they tried to kill him there also? And have you ever wondered why this history was kept out of "the bible"?

Have you learned and discovered that there are voluminous errors, omissions, falsehoods and made-up stories in "the bible" indicating that it is a fallible book written by fallible men, and thus it is not the absolutely true / perfect / inspired / infallible / inerrant "word of God" ?

Have you learned and discovered that Jesus did not die on the cross, and that He was revived by His Essene brethren, and that he subsequently went back to India and Tibet (et. al.) and was teaching them again, and He was married to Mary Magdelene, and that He died at around the age of 103?

Have you had life-changing experiences such as Astral Traveling and Out-of-Body Experiences, that "christianity" would say is "crazy" or "evil"?

Have you had life-changing experiences such as remembering your past lives (past reincarnations), that "christianity" would say is "crazy" or "evil"?

Have you had psychic experiences throughout your life? Have you remembered where you were in "The Divine Realm" prior to your current incarnation on earth now?

Have you researched and learned about reincarnation and discovered that prior to the year 533 AD, it was commonly understood and taught that reincarnation was real and true. However, Emperor Justinian's wife was responsible for the murder of over 500 people. She thought that if she could wipe out all knowledge and belief in reincarnation, that she could escape the "negative karma" that would attach to her. So she wanted her husband, Emperor Justinian, to issue a "divine decree" to declare the doctrine and belief in reincarnation as anathema and heretical to abolish it. So in 553 AD, at the Fifth Council of Constantinople, Emperor Justinian arm-twisted the council to approve his edict, and also arm-twisted the Pope Vigilus to sign the council's decrees.

Have you had the realization that no one / no person / no religion has any spiritual authority over you whatsoever?

Have you made the realization that since God created you, and that you are created in God's image, that you are a very incarnation of God (Divine Spirit) upon earth ? ... that you are a very Child of God (Divine Spirit) - just like Jesus ? ... that you are an Ambassador of God (Divine Spirit) upon earth? And that there is no "hell", and that God could no more "throw you into hell" just as God could not throw Himself into hell?

Do you have the very earnest desire to * CONNECT * with your Divine Origins, and experience the Divine Realm even while encased in this "lump of clay" called a body?

If you have made these realizations and discoveries - then you very well might want to begin experiencing "The Divine".

Come join us at CEIDS gatherings.

Namaste !